Monday, September 5, 2016

My Dog Tucker

          The first dog I have to talk about is my own. His name is Tucker and he is a Jack Russell, Schnauzer mix. He was born on April 10th, 2009 which makes him 7 years old.

His first day with my family
A recent picture of Tucker
          Tucker is a very spastic dog. He's very smart and knows lots of tricks and even knows the name's of everyone in our family but he is too hyper around other dogs and new people. He's part Schnauzer so he gets very vocal. He whines, howls, vibrates and barks when he gets excited. He also is a rough playmate with other dogs. He must seem to think he's big and powerful because he bullies any dog that is near his same size which is why he can only play with bigger dogs.
          His favorite thing to do is going camping. My family owns 140 acres of land that we go camping and he loves running around, adventuring, riding ATVs and playing with other dogs that come. One thing that surprises people is his drive to hunt. Since he's so small and cute, most people don't believe me when I say he's a killer. Since Schnauzers were bred to hunt rabbits and Jack Russells to hunt badgers, he has a strong drive to hunt. He regularly catches and kills rabbits, he has killed at least one skunk (not fun experiences), he brings us turtles that he can't manage to kill himself, and he has even managed to take down and inflict likely mortal wounds to an adolescent deer (we pulled him off and the deer got away). Unfortunate as it may be that's what he's good at. He doesn't like to swim but he'll get himself all sorts of muddy in the creek and cover himself in burs from the forest.
           As ridiculous as he may be, he's pretty cool and my favorite dog. Being away from him while in college is ruff (sorry I had to) for both of us.